Friday, December 18, 2009

Farewell Michael - some great flights

Farewell to Michael (above) who has enjoyed some great flying from SportAviation. Michael's last flight was to West Wylong and return. We look forward to seeing Michael next season.

Milan (above)) has had a fantastic time with Ingo in the Janus -making the most of the conditions. Congratulations to Milan also for flying over 500kms in KYO on Wednesday - great effort!

Zach took advantage of an afternoon off, flying 319kms in IIE. His furtherest distance so far - well done!

Mark (above with Eddie) flew in for his bi-annual check early Wednesday.
Yesterday bought very hot,windy conditions with a temperature of 40 degrees (no flying). To-day dawned with a cool change and temperature of 24degrees at 1500hrs. Milan has once again taken to the skies in KYO, still flying at present.