Eddie above relaxing between tows

Welcome to Stephan and Jan who arrived this morning. Jan has just landed in IIE after a 7 hour flight (621Kms). Stephan landed at 20:30hrs flying 676kms in KYO. Welcome also to Mr Wang (above) and Hai who arrived early this evening from China. Mr Wang enjoyed a flight with Eddie in the EuroFox. Hana, Ralf & Louis, Neil & Roger, Terry and Kari all had good flights. Terry to Hopetoun and return (619kms). Kari flying past Balranald and home (560kms), Neil and Roger flying 750kms in AA out to Darlington Pt. Ingo is still out making the most of the conditions. LOL to Kel who has just spent 3 weeks in the USA. We can't wait to see you tomorrow!!