Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hive of activity!!

Good to see Dave who has just returned from the N.T.. Dave spent a pleasant afternoon soaring locally yesterday. Also, Terry gave his motor glider a workout. Hanna and Lada arrived earlier on in the week and have been busy settling in. It was great to see Peter and partner Shannon on Friday. Pete who went solo in April did some consolidation work with Eddie while Shannon enjoyed a scenic flight! Pete Corkery from Aviation & Composite Engineering called in for a chat (minus his Harley!!). The J160 continues to be popular with both Ray and Jann out this morning. Chris arrived from Melbourne ensuring his glider is ready for the upcoming season. Jake has been here over the weekend learning as much as he can from Eddie. Ingo and Phil have just headed off for a test flight in Phil's Dimona that he and Mike have been working on.